Support Dive
There are more ways than just funding to support us
Make an intro
We are looking for potential investors in Dive and need people to facilitate a meeting with investors in your network.
Pay for a pitch
Your can send a gift that will go directly into our coffee or lunch budget for when we are meeting with potential investors.
Join the Waitlist
We want to launch with a huge user base and one of the ways to do that is to have a waiting list ready to dive in.
Provide a quote
Want to share your dating app experience or thoughts on Dive? We’d love a video testimony or written quote from you.
Join ID8
We are looking for 8 individuals, with a proven track record, who can advise & guide as part of our ID8 Creative Board.
Share the pitch
Know someone who would be interested in being part of Dive in some way. Share the pitch with them.
Provide Feedback
We are always looking to improve the Dive experience and we’d love to get your input on pitches, this website or the app itself.
Offer to help
If you have some skills that would help, whether it’s in the tech world, legal, sales; we are always open to help.
Invest in Dive
We know this is not an ideal time to raise funds. But we also know the timing is perfect for a solution like Dive in a culture where artificial is the rage and mistrust is mainstream. We’d love to let you walk through the prototype and get a feel for it yourself.
Let’s talk
Have something else in mind? We’d love to grab a lunch, coffee, cocktail and get your thoughts on the project. We know this will continue to grow and evolve and will only get better with the input of people from all walks of life and all roles.